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Fire Sealing – The Invisible Safety that Saves Lives and Property
Fire sealing is essential for fire safety as it prevents flames and smoke from spreading through building components like walls, ceilings, and floors. Properly executed fire sealing creates fire compartments that isolate different parts of a building, providing more time for evacuation and firefighting. It reduces property damage and minimizes the risk of a fire spreading uncontrollably. Fire sealing also meets regulatory requirements and contributes to a safe environment for both residents and employees. 

Fire Sealing

Fire seals are used in many areas of a building to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through structural elements. They are installed in floor separations and walls to contain a fire within a specific area, preventing it from spreading to other floors or rooms. At service penetrations where cables, pipes, or ducts pass through building components, fire seals ensure these openings do not become weak points in fire protection. In ventilation systems, fire seals prevent flames and smoke from being transported through air ducts, thereby limiting rapid spread. In industrial facilities where hazardous materials are stored, fire sealing helps to keep fires isolated from other areas. Stairwells and escape routes are also equipped with fire seals to prevent fires from blocking exits and evacuation paths, ensuring safety in case of a fire.

Our fire sealing solutions ensure that flames and smoke do not spread within your building, protecting both lives and property. We provide effective and certified solutions that meet all applicable safety requirements. Choose our fire sealing for maximum fire protection that creates peace of mind.

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